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Super Eraser 1 2 5 Download Free

  1. Free Computer Eraser Download
  2. Super Eraser For Mac

Any developer of sanitising software whose technology includes 'Peter Gutmann's algorithm' has me running for the hills: Gutmann himself long since disowned the very thing Super Eraser proclaims on its website -- begging the question: just how competent is today's developer in this specialist field?
It's not a question that gets a convincing answer on that website, and particularly in regard to the wiping /erasing of the content of SSDs: for all I know, Super Eraser 5.1 treats an SSD like a conventional HDD, and I'd be hesitant about advising anyone to go blithely ahead and do that.
But what really leaves me baffled about DoYourData and its product is this section from the developer's website:
It's a glowing eulogy to, er, the rival product CCleaner Free. But the screenshots are all of . . . Super Eraser.
As to CCleaner Free, Options / Settings provides for Normal file deletion (faster) or Secure file deletion (slower), this latter with choices of: Simple Overwrite (1 pass), Advanced Overwrite (3 passes), Complex Overwrite (7 passes) and the wholly-unnecessary-but-will-please-the-paranoid Very Complex Overwrite (35 passes). Options to Wipe Alternate Data Streams and Wipe Cluster Tips are also offered, as well as Wipe Free Space drives
That does not, of course, mean CCleaner Free rules supreme, though at $00.00 compared to Super Eraser's retail $19.50 it's certainly a bargain. The truth is, there's a wide selection of data erasing freeware out there, with Eraser (to cite just one example) being a darn sight quicker to use than the clunky CCleaner 'customized' process for dealing with specific files or folders.
Shredders, then, exist in abundance, both free and paid-for. On which basis, Super Eraser 5.1 must presumably have some kind of unique selling point, some aspect or aspects which distinguish it from the rest of the herd. Sadly, I haven't found it. Thanks then, DoYourData and GOTD, but no thanks.

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SoftAmbulance Free Eraser We greet you on this site and proudly represent you our new product. DOWNLOAD; Secure Data Eraser Secure Data Eraser is a program that allows you to wipe files and folders, wipe. $19.95 DOWNLOAD.

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